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Secure Encryption | Real-Time Backup | Efficient File Management


Free Plan

$0 / month

  • PC agent with local cloud storage
  • File and Image backup in windows pc
  • One User and 50GB storage
  • Data encryption
  • Real time backup
  • Free upgrades and support
  • Storage device free

Enterprise Plan

$100 / month

  • PC agent with local cloud storage
  • File and Image backup in windows pc
  • Two User and 1TB storage *

    For more user and more than 1TB request a quote.

  • Data encryption
  • Real time backup
  • Free upgrades and support
  • Storage device free
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  • Authentication
  • Dashboard
  • Backup







About Us

Welcome to DCBackup, the forefront solution in real-time encrypted data backup. In an era where data integrity and security are paramount, DCBackup stands as the ultimate safeguard for your digital assets.

  • Our platform is meticulously crafted to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses.
  • It provides a seamless, secure, and efficient way to manage and protect your data.

At DCBackup, our vision is to empower organizations with a robust data backup solution that not only protects but also enhances productivity. We believe in creating technology that integrates effortlessly into your workflow, ensuring that your data is always secure, accessible, and up-to-date.

Our mission is to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that streamlines the process of data management. By offering real-time updates, robust encryption, and cross-device compatibility, we aim to revolutionize the way organizations handle their digital assets.

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2135 Citygate Ln, Suite #300 Naperville, IL 60563

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